In 1915 many police officers were forced to work 12 hour days, 365 days a year. No organization existed to represent these officers – to give them a voice and a means to make their grievances known. That year two courageous patrol officers in Pittsburgh, PA decided that they must organize police officers in order to assure them and their fellow officers a better quality of life. On May 14, 1915 Patrolmen Martin Toole and Delbert Nagle, along with 21 other officers willing to step forward, held the first meeting of the Fraternal Order of Police. They formed Fort Pitt Lodge #1.
Thus began the tradition of police officers representing police officers. The Fraternal Order of Police has grown steadily over the years and has become the largest professional police organization in the country consisting of more than 325,000 members belonging to over 2,100 local lodges. The Kentucky State Lodge is quickly approaching 10,000 members.
River City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge # 614 was created in 2003 with the merger of the former Louisville Lodge #6 of the Fraternal Order of Police and Jefferson County Lodge #14 of the Fraternal Order of Police. Jefferson County Lodge # 14 was chartered by the Grand Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police on April 18, 1961 and Louisville Lodge # 6 was chartered on November 14, 1960. With the consolidation of the Former City of Louisville and Jefferson County Government on January 6, 2003 and the merger of the Louisville Division of Police and the Jefferson County Police Department it was incumbent upon these two Lodges, both rich in history and tradition to become one.
River City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #614 exists:
To promote and foster the enforcement of law and order
To improve the individual proficiency and safety of our members in the performance of their duties
To provide legal representation for our members
To collectively bargain with Louisville Metro Government with the goal of providing our members certain contractual protections and guarantees related to wages, hours, working conditions, retirement, and benefits
To cultivate a spirit of fraternalism and helpfulness among our members and the people we serve
To encourage, to the highest degree, skill, efficiency, discipline, and loyalty in the Police profession
To encourage social, charitable, and educational activities among law enforcement officers
To provide an organized, collective voice for our members as they provide service dedicated to the protection of life and property
River City FOP Lodge #614 is an organization for police officers, managed by police officers actively engaged in law enforcement in Metro Louisville.